INKI STORLEER     Inki Storleer  

I have worked with the combination of music and theatre since I graduated from Trøndelag Music Conservatory in 1977
I formed my own company MAGNA VOX productions in 1980.
My aim has always been to create an organic meeting between theatre and music, and the voice has been my tool to go deeper into these areas. My work and studies have always been aimed at depth in this direction.



Trøndelag  Music Conservatory 1973-78
The Mime Centre, London        1981
Desmond Jones School of Mime 1983
Roy Hart Theatre, France 1988-03
and my own voice work, theatre productions and teaching

I have received grants to study voice and theatre in New York, Poland, France, Denmark and Sweden.
I have attended workshops with amongst others OdinTeatret/ Eugenio Barba, Theatre du Soleil, Gardzienice, Théatre de Complicité and Keith Johnstone.

MagnaVox has created 33 productions - for audiences of all ages - outdoor and indoor - big and small in Trondheim and abroad.
We have involved both local and foreign artists - toured all over Norway and Scandinavia, Europe and briefly USA.
We have always searched for an organic meeting between music and drama.
The name Magna Vox is latin for Big Voice. The voice has became more and more important in our work, both artistically and as a method in the creative process, both in the music and dramatic fields.
Magna Vox has since 1988 had a lot of co-operation with Roy Hart Centre, France.

Magna Vox means that we also want to create theatre that  engages in  important questions of our time.

We also give voice workshops.
